by Netflix

<aside> 💡 Notion tip: Use this template to learn more about Gib Biddle's branding framework, answering each of the core questions as you go. With synced blocks, your answers will be automatically collected and formatted into a Branding framework overview page.


↔️ The positioning model

A brand is the unique story that consumers recall when they think of you. This story associates your product with your customers’ personal stories, a particular personality, what you promise to solve, and your position relative to your competitors. Learn more →

1. Answer these three questions about your company.

<aside> 1️⃣ What is it?

Be descriptive.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



<aside> 2️⃣ What are the customer benefits?

How does it improve customers’ lives?

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



<aside> 3️⃣ What is its personality?

If your product, company or service was human and you met at a cocktail party, how would you describe them?

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



NatureBox Example

🔼 The branding pyramid

The pyramid model is a way to "level up" from the attributes that define your product to the benefits it delivers.

Then you can step into the emotional realm that makes a brand memorable. The "something bigger" can anchor your brand for decades. Learn more →

$$ \Large\textsf{Product attributes}\\ \downarrow\\ \textsf{Product benefits}\\ \downarrow\\ \textsf{Emotional benefits}\\ \downarrow\\ \textsf{Something bigger}\\ $$

2. Define the different levels of your branding pyramid.

Start from the bottom by defining the nitty-gritty, then work your way to the "something bigger."

<aside> 1️⃣ Product attributes

The "bits and bytes" of what your product offers — the things that deliver benefit to customers.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



<aside> 2️⃣ Product benefits

How does your product improve customers’ lives?

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



<aside> 3️⃣ Emotional benefits

If your product does a great job delivering benefits, how do you want your customers to feel? Emotion makes brands memorable.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />



<aside> 4️⃣ Something bigger

In the next decade or two, how might your product or service dent the universe? Think big.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" />


